March 14, 2020
Following a declaration of a State of Emergency by the President yesterday, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued new guidance via a memorandum that is based on the newest recommendations for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The current recommendations are as follows:
- Restrict ALL visitors, volunteers and non-essential health care personnel except for certain compassionate care situations, such as end of life situations. We understand that connecting with family members is incredibly important, and there are a variety of other ways you might consider connecting with them. These may include telephone, email, text, or through Skype or Facebook.
- Visits for end of life situations are to be handled on a case by case basis. We will continue to screen all people entering the community as we have been, and may need to issue PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) when necessary.
- Cancel all group activities.
- Cancel all communal dining.
We know this has been particularly difficult for everyone, however, our number one goal is the safety of our residents as well as our staff. To do this it is imperative that we take these measures to assure we do everything possible to keep this virus out of our community.
We will notify you if any residents or staff are diagnosed with COVID-19. Should you have any question, please feel free to contact the community directly.